決心, 決定, "the mental state or quality of being resolved or resolute; firmness of purpose" (from www.dictionary.com) .
And this shall be a new start for me...by first understanding what the word 'resolution' means! : O
"Firmness of purpose...決心達成目的"....indeed I got a few goals and hopes that I would like to achieve for the year 2007! Despite I'm only posting this post on the second-to-last day of January....I have actually thought about my resolutions for the year since the first day in 2007!!! (Once again I'm just making up for my delay in blogging!) And happily I have started on some of my goals already (despite it's a bit of a slowwww start)! : P
My main goals for the year 2007 are:
- To create a timetable; to organise my time much more efficiently.
(I have actually consider myself to have had a rest for a full year in 2006 without thinking about goals, dreams and hopes....basically to settle myself in the life after-graduation and to enjoy the year with work and play! But after a year of the so-called 'rest', I think it's about time that I set some goals and aims for myself again. This is because I found that I'm the sort of person that need goals or aims to motivate me to continue moving in life. And in order to do this, I must organise my life with a bit of ordering and priorities again!!! : O - To finish my unfinish businesses from 2006.
There are a couple of unfinish businesses that I still haven't completed at the end of 2006, including building my RX-93V gundam (now completed! See RX-93V post) and complete the 'Communication and Leadership Program' in Toastmasters. I aim to get these completed within 2007. - To realise my dreams/goals that sprung up during 2006.
There were quite a few ideas that have popped into my mind during the year 2006 (but they never got implemented). I hope to be able to realise these by the end of the year! These include starting up a software project (as part of leisure and learning and for motivation purposes, which have already begun!!! YEAH!!! : P) and sitting the Java exam. (There ere are probably some other things...which I can't think of for now...hence the above are in my HIGHLY PRIORITIZED list)! : P
So I shall look forward to the end of 2007 with the hope that I'll get my goals achieved. : ) Go 2007!!!
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