I bought this box just more than a year ago...and now finally after a year wait....my RX-93V is here! It took me approximately 5 days of work in total....(wow! I'm pretty amazed seeing this is my first gundam model and the first model that I built where I actually painted and drew on it)!
And of course just to clarify that I didn't work actually work on the model full on for 5 x 24 hours! I had some breaks in between the stages and just for the last 3 days have been working on it once I got back home from work! : P (hehe which was naughty of me!!!)
Completed Model:
To give a quick overview of my completed model, here a picture of the full model set:
From here on the rest of this blog is going to document the stages that I went through when building my RX-93V gundam. Through out the stages, I will comment on the my best and worst effort for each stage of my gundam making process!
So if you are still interested in reading about my progress...please go on! : ) Otherwise you are at most welcome to just look at the pictures of my 'stylish' RX-93V! : P
Stage 1 - Head:
Under the direction and of my experienced friends (Oh we actually had a gundam making day which was fun!), I was told to start off with the 'head'. I can't remember the reasons why ><" (I shall check with my friend again...) but I guess it is because the head is the easiest to handle as you don't have bits to attach or to 'fly off'. You only had to focus on drawing the lines on the head. But the bad thing (but also the best thing) about the RX-93V gundam is that it requires heaps of lines to be drawn on a gundam which uses the white colour as its base. However I think this is also the reason why I was attracted to this gundam! The details of RX-93V is what makes it look very '型仔' (stylish)! : P
Anyway, fortunately I was able to accomplish building the head very satisfactorily (despite this is the FIRST TIME I ever built a gundam and the head is the first part of a gundam I had to deal with!!!). The parts of the head that I'm most proud of is the thin and detailed black line drawn beneath its eyes. I was also very proud of the 'gills' (which are meant to be more gun holes!?) that I painted black on either side of its head! It took me a lot of concentration to draw these in!!! : O
Stage 2 - Feet
Under the direction of my 'teacher' (lol my experienced friend), I was told to move on to the feets! I agree that it is the 'next' easiest part to move to as it involves colourings using different colurs (to give you practise) and attachment of smaller parts together to form the feet.
Following the instruction leaflet inside the pack, I coloured the feet as above. However, if you manage to look at the photo closely, you can see that my 'grey' wasn't coloured as smoothly as I hoped ><".
Stage 3 - Belt/Waist
This is probably the 'worst' part of my gundam! As colouring the 'red' over the white is already not easy...the red paint will "化出D黎" (dissolves over the white while it is drying)! Then giving it the 'black' border (while I didn't realise the red paint is still not totally dry) have made it even worst!!! As the 'black' colour will also "化出D黎" (dissolves over the edge) while it is drying.
And also the hardest part of painting this RX-93V gundam is drawing the lines on the yellow dent of the body (as you can see how the lines are badly drawn on the side of the waist) ><". There are quite a few of this all over its body. As you can see the yellow dent is make up by combining two parts (front and back waist) together. So if you draw the black line while they are still separated, you may have the risk of the line not align together when the parts are combined. However if you draw it while the parts are combined, it may be harder as you need to put the tip of your pen inside the dent in order to draw in the line!
Stage 4 - Chest:
I am pretty proud of the chest here! In particular, look at the black lines I was able to draw on the front yellow funnel!!! : )
The skill here is to just use the tip of your pen and touch on the edges inside the funnel lightly. Once you drawn the first line, you should be able to 'feel' your way through the other lines. Draw it line-by-line in order to get a smooth looking straight line!!! : O
Stage 5 - Shoulders and Arms:
Finally on to the shoulder and arms. By now I think I've gotten quite use to drawing lines that are 'straight'! eheh : P Enjoy! (I especially like the 'black' colour that I painted on towards the hand of the gundam. This time no 'spillage' out to the white area! : )
Stage 6 - Back pack and RX-93V Fin Funnels:
Finally the back pack and the Fin Funnels which are exclusive to RX-93V!!! I was extremely proud of the fin funnels....was able to draw in the lines pretty well! : ) However another thing I found really hard was drawing lines along a cylinder shaped plastic! See the pole that sticks out from the back pack!!! ><" But nonetheless....it doesn't look too bad in the photo right? eheh : P
Stage 7 - RX-93V Weapons and H.W.S. (Heavy Weapon System)
Finally the last stage of my gundam is its weapons and the H.W.S. (basically an extra suit for RX-93V to wear which change it into FA-93!!! See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nu_Gundam or Chinese explanation in http://www.uwants.com/viewthread.php?tid=2347411&extra=page%3D1).
On the left of the photo is the HWS system and the right are its weapons! Quite proud of the shields and extremely proud of the 'big gun' I have painted and drew on (located on the top leftof the photo).
All in all I had great fun building my gundam and is very proud of my FIRST EVER GUNDAM! hahaha but then I am not too sure if I will get another gundam to build...haha I proabably need some rest and soak in my RX-93V first! : )
Following is my resultant RX-93V (posting for its photos)! : )
good job girl, now that 2 our of 4 gundam is all assembled, the other 2 will need to hurry up incase it miss out of the next calander shots. hehehe