Tuesday, 5 June 2007

I did it...after one year plus of perseverance!!! I'm a CC now!

I did it, I did it, I did it!!!!!!!!! \@.@/ YIPPY!!!!!!!

After one year plus of perseverance and dedication (or some may call me stubborn) , I did it!!! Just completed my 10th and last Toastmaster speech tonight for the Competent Communicator manual. I rarely (and try not to) commend myself...but this time I must really give myself some credits! : P I'm seriously proud of myself that I was able to stick with it, doing something that I normally 'dislike' and basically I completed this challenge that I set for myself!!!! : P Yeah!!!

On a serious note, although I dislike doing speeches, I have to say Toastmaster is definitely something that will benefit you, especially if you are not good or get freak out at public speaking or giving formal/informal/prepared/impromptu speeches. It is internationally recognised. Definitely will help those who need to speak to a lot of different people and clients in their work. One thing I particularly enjoy (and I guess I've always enjoy) is to listen to other people's speeches, especially when they got something inspirational or life experiences they talked about (will write another blog about toastmaster competition later)! You definitely learn something from others!!!

So today, I can officially call myself a CC (competent communicator). hehe : P
Yeah!!! Another goal completed for the year (see 2007 New Years Resolution). Happy happy joy joy! : P Rahhhh!

(Reference: http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e129/hippiechick005/domokun.jpg)


  1. CONGRATULATION on your success and accomplishment ^_^ ... well done.. you deserve a pat on the back ... BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO !!!!

  2. hm initially when i saw the title...."i'm a CC" i though wtf you're a credit card now....hahaha too use to that acronym. but hey congratulations ar~~~didnt know you are in toastmasters.
