Wednesday, 2 May 2007


This post was originally created as a memorandum for my one year anniversary at work (which was suppose to be 16th Jan this year)!!!! hahah unfortunately I didn't get around to writing the entry for this post at all..... ><" (bad me!)

So...I thought today I shall.....which is already 1 year + 1 day (1st May) since I attended my University Graduation that I shall finish up this post!!! As a "一周年" 紀念 (one year anniversary).

So I've been out there for a year...
I can still remember the day of my graduation vividly in my mind...a lovely sunny morning...walking down from UofA down to Queen Street (and with our unforgettable 'Ah 4' on the side). So much happiness and joy! ahhh....wonderful, marvellous, lovely!!! : )

Life has certainly treated me well for the past year...very fortunate of me! : ) Went on some great trips, been to fantastic places that turned my little eyes bright and big, still get to chill out with my friends doing stuffs together each weekend and I'm still the same at home nagged (but loved I hope : P) by my parents.

Work is great too....well it certainly didn't turn out to be what I was expecting....but what more can I ask for! Get to work in a lay back company (of course apart from needing to meet the release date!), listen to music while working (& 'socialising' on the net too!!! : P), get to work on a product that I know (well at least hope) it will have a positive impact to people's lives. Although I was hoping to be able to 'gain' more knowledge in terms of programming, but with a job like that....not bad not have a start like this as a graduate!

A year later...what now?
I'm grateful, definitely very grateful for what I had for the past year! Really, 不經不覺, a year has past. Thinking back... I've been officially out of uni for a year now and actually out there in the work force for a year too! wow! Time really does go fast!!! ahah and boy, when I went back to I really do think the students look YOUNG!!! ahha I guess that just show how 'mature' I am now! haha : P

(In memory of our beloved Flying Dish UofA Engineering Main Entrance)

Knowing that it's gonna be 2 years anniversary next year, haha I think it's time I really need to try to 'learn' and absorb more knowledge and start to challenge myself again (I guess this is reflected in my new year resolution too).

To my fellow friends (who were in the same year of graduation as me):
Happy One Year Anniversary to you too! I hope your year out there was not rough and that you enjoyed your year free of uni, free of studying, free of exam...and free of 'annoyance' from me (but of course there are still those unlucky ones who still suffer daily annoyance from me over this technological web2.0 age!!! mwahha) ! : P

And of can I end this blog without dedicating the following song to you girls and boys (and to all those who are going to graduate soon)! : )
'Graduation' (Harry Potter version)
'Graduation' mtv (if you wanna see the original version)

p.s. - Kind of 'nostalgic' when I listened to this song again....haven't heard it for so long! lol another sign of becoming more 'mature'! : P Hope you enjoyed it too!

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