Thursday, 15 February 2007

金曲回顧: 藍雨

Why "金曲回顧"?

LemonTz & music

hehe Have been contemplating for a while now to start writing some posts about music!
So I have written my first post! : )

You see I have been a listener of music for a long time and have been listening to music (by music here I should emphasize on songs on the pop chart/tv/with a singer on a show etc! haha as I'm sure EVERYONE would have listen to 'some' sort of 'music' since they are very small as well! haha)

Anyway back to my particular I have been listening to HK pop ever since when I was small! There are a lot of old HK pop music that I still remember and love (and I should add that probably because I have been influenced by the collection my parents have as well! -.-") haha and I guess because I am a nostalgic person as well!!!

So I hope to start off a series of posts called "金曲回顧", just every now and then when I suddenly remember a song (haha sorry about the 老土名)! I shall use my blog as an opporutnity to introduce and as a commemoration of these good old music that were once knew and sung by everyone back in the good old days!

P.S. - I also hope to start writing some comments about new albums and songs that I have listened to as well. Please watch out the space for further posts later! : P


藍雨 by 張學友:
This song really is one of my all time favourite!!! (Hence making it my first "金曲" to be "回顧"! I actually first listened to this song (more correctly the first time I remember I heard this song) was back in 1995 when Jacky Cheung came to New Zealand to do his world tour. It was sung during the encores, and the song just sounded SO FAMILIAR to me and it's so so nice.

This is actually another 改编歌曲 from Japan. It was originally written and sung by 德永英明 and the song is called "Rainy Blue". (If you get a chance, try the Jap original version too! A lot of people love the Jap version!!!) The cantonese lyrics was written by 林振強 (another wonderful writer)!

What I love about the song is the 'feeling' that is generated from both the music and the lyrics. Both the music and the lyrics are so "貼切" that it really does convey the feeling of 'blue rain'!

The music starts off quiet where you feel the guy is slowly gathering his feeling..."灰灰的天 空空的街 千串細雨點". It slowly grows into the chorus where you feel the guy is showing a feeling of 'lost'..."冷冷雨哦 沒焦點因找不到妳 冷冷雨低泣彷彿要等妳經過". With the wonderful electric guitar playing during the middle of the music, conveying the growth of the 'blueness', it then finally reach the climax
雨點不清楚 妳已拋低我
妳永不清楚 妳那天經過
showing the guy's strong and final emotion for the girl, the music then dies down to show the sudden realisation that "the love is all over now, and he's back into reality".

Of course credits need to be given to 張學友 for conveying the 'blueess' so well by handling the changing of the 'notes' and the 'emotion' he puts and adds to the song so so well!!!

Full lyrics of 藍雨:

I was abe to find a KTV of 藍雨 (when 張學友 was still in Polygram):

If you want to listen to 張學友清唱版;

ENJOY!!! : )

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