Thursday, 4 June 2009

64.......I Remember.....

Although I was still a weeee tiny kiddo when the incident happened, but I can still remember the impact it had on the people in HK and I can still remember the march that I participated in....

I seldom do a political blog post, in fact this is probably my first. Nonetheless I think the "八x八"事件 (8 x8 Incident) is truly 'more than' deserving to be remembered by us and to be recorded in the history books! Today being the 20th anniversay of the event, I would like to commemorate the event by writing a blog post about it and sharing some related sites and articles:
  • Hong Kong: SC group censored 64 special feature
    A very very very interesting article and discussion about how an article that talks about the "8x8" incident has been left out of publication. A very interesting read (contains both orig Chinese and English translation). It is indeed extremely sad to see such 'limitation of freedom' is still as strong as ever....20 years later...
  • The official HK 6420 website @ here
  • Unrelated, I just stumbled upon it while researching for the topic...list of words censored by Chinese govt @ here (interesting!)

I quote:
6月4日 凌晨2時許,大批戒嚴軍 隊包圍了天安門廣場,學生和民眾被趕到人民英雄紀念碑。當日早上和下午,軍隊繼續在城內向聚集的民 眾開鎗,傷亡人數無法估計。


  1. Excuse my ignorance, what happened on the 4th of June in Hong Kong?

  2. Read and you shall find! : )
