Wednesday, 15 October 2008

歌曲分享: 半天假

Wow can't believe I haven't done a 歌曲分享 for 5 months now!!! Let me share one of my all time favourite 'heart sour' (心酸) song,
半天假 by 許志安 (Andy Hui).

Not too sure why, but I remember even since the first time I listened to the song....the first two lines of the song, its melody, is already caught in my head. I actually like the verses more than the chorus. Add on the lyrics of the song, it is simple and direct.

I just love the melody and the lyrics of the verses. Every time when I listen to the song, as soon as I get into the first two lines of the song, my heart will be filled with slight sour feeling. sighhh it's sad! But of course the lyrics in the chorus is actually more positive and encouraging. : )

To listen to the song you can click here.

Have a read of the lyrics below, you may or may not relate to it. Nonetheless we can all learn from it. And we all can be more '化'. : )
歌手: 許志安 作詞:歐志深  作曲:雷頌德

和我戀過的每一個她 和每一扎長滿刺的花
和每一吋戀愛的創疤 還有每次落淚像雨洒

害怕 怕又愛 愛後更害怕 最終孤單一個
為何定要花開不結果 誰人面對分開不痛楚

而每一次戀愛的痛楚 如要給我寶貴的一課
除過加過減過的結果 求到答案就是『別要拖』
聚過 過後散 散後再覓過 世間不只一個
抬頭面對分開不再躲 明白在世間最愛是我

* 聽聽呼吸聲 身心轉化 將一堆的她 放落熱茶
若是悶極了 對鏡說話 多麼的孤單 也不必怕
聽一聽心經 喝淡熱茶 閉上了眼睛 終於消化
放我半天假 若未太清醒 再放半天假

人覺差我不覺得太差 人要醒覺應要有點化
人太真看一看真太假 男女世界就像霧裡花
代價 有沒有 哪沒有代價 最多一些牽掛
流淚為了風中的碎沙 為何問我一個快樂嗎

Repeat *

And here's the original KTV of the song (now I'm interested in the movie this song has been added to)!!! : P

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