Monday, 20 October 2008

A Fine Line.....

For a moment the idea of a 'fine line' popped up in my head (another one of those random philosophical thoughts from me).

You see I was thinking that there's probably a fine line between being considerate to you and the fact of whether one cares or not about you.

Let's take an example, if a friend said "It's ok if you can't make it to my birthday dinner". On one side, your friend may be a very considerate and understanding person, knowing that you may have difficulties making to their dinner, but it's ok, they understand your hardship and they forgive you. However, on the other side of the ball, one may think that your friend do not really care whether you come or not. If they do care about you, that they will probably put more effort into asking you to go, persuading you to go, instead of the comment of which I put to the argument here.

sighh....but then I realise......this is probably related to the fact that......

There's a fine line between genuine and fake.
See another may argue that if you can feel that your friend made the comment above in a very genuine, honest way....hence it means they are a considerate person. On the other hand, if you didn't feel any honesty in their comment, you'll probably think they do not care whether you go to their party or not, thus the fact of whether you worth anything in their heart.

But the art of determining whether a person is genuine or not to you is not easy. I don't know at least for me it seems not. This is probably only because I know that I'm easy to fall for fake genuine acts or just that I'm too naive. You start to ask questions of whether one is genuine to you, one is truthful to you, one you can trust and rely on. I know this is all based on life experience and how much you have learnt in life.

But sometimes I just wish I can own a pair of glasses that will tell me whether a person has lied to me or not. I wish I can just tell whether its a lie or the truth straight away. Siggghh although life is not easy and that faith or trust may be lost along the way. But it's ok, I believe that honesty and truthfulness are still out there and that not everyone out there is trying to get you. And some are ready to be there for you for a lifetime.... : ) I still believe.
Rainbow Jello (click on image for reference site)

PS - I think I sound really lost here....but I really I do know what I'm trying to express here.
PPS - I guess tonight is another one of those philosophical night for me.....haha

Wednesday, 15 October 2008

歌曲分享: 半天假

Wow can't believe I haven't done a 歌曲分享 for 5 months now!!! Let me share one of my all time favourite 'heart sour' (心酸) song,
半天假 by 許志安 (Andy Hui).

Not too sure why, but I remember even since the first time I listened to the song....the first two lines of the song, its melody, is already caught in my head. I actually like the verses more than the chorus. Add on the lyrics of the song, it is simple and direct.

I just love the melody and the lyrics of the verses. Every time when I listen to the song, as soon as I get into the first two lines of the song, my heart will be filled with slight sour feeling. sighhh it's sad! But of course the lyrics in the chorus is actually more positive and encouraging. : )

To listen to the song you can click here.

Have a read of the lyrics below, you may or may not relate to it. Nonetheless we can all learn from it. And we all can be more '化'. : )
歌手: 許志安 作詞:歐志深  作曲:雷頌德

和我戀過的每一個她 和每一扎長滿刺的花
和每一吋戀愛的創疤 還有每次落淚像雨洒

害怕 怕又愛 愛後更害怕 最終孤單一個
為何定要花開不結果 誰人面對分開不痛楚

而每一次戀愛的痛楚 如要給我寶貴的一課
除過加過減過的結果 求到答案就是『別要拖』
聚過 過後散 散後再覓過 世間不只一個
抬頭面對分開不再躲 明白在世間最愛是我

* 聽聽呼吸聲 身心轉化 將一堆的她 放落熱茶
若是悶極了 對鏡說話 多麼的孤單 也不必怕
聽一聽心經 喝淡熱茶 閉上了眼睛 終於消化
放我半天假 若未太清醒 再放半天假

人覺差我不覺得太差 人要醒覺應要有點化
人太真看一看真太假 男女世界就像霧裡花
代價 有沒有 哪沒有代價 最多一些牽掛
流淚為了風中的碎沙 為何問我一個快樂嗎

Repeat *

And here's the original KTV of the song (now I'm interested in the movie this song has been added to)!!! : P

Friday, 3 October 2008

Wa!Wa!Wa! Back on NZ Radio.....!!! Yay!!!

September a month fill with joy and fun, which is my excuse for writing only ONE BLOG post in Sept! >.<"

Finally got some free time tonight and I can feel it's blog time again! : ) Originally I was going to write another one of those emotional post.

But just as I logged into Blogger, getting myself ready to to do some typing, I turned on the radio. To my surprise it was playing the 嘩!嘩!嘩!打到o黎! jingle!!!!! \@.@/ and yes to my delight I hear the familiar voice of 吳君如!!! w00t! So the programme is back on NZ soil again!!! Immediately after listening to a few minutes into the programme and hearing the laughter of 三姑 makes me laugh straight away! : D hehehe Welcome back 三姑!!! : )

Official website on Commercial Radio - 嘩!嘩!嘩!打到o黎!2008

Hmm....I was going to find the schedule of the radio programme in NZ here, but it seems that it's not on the official schedule I'm not sure if this is a one off. But for the record, it was on at 11.30pm Friday for me on Chinese Voice NZ radio channel 95.8 FM. Hopefully it'll continue to be broadcast!!!!!

ps - I remember when the NZ Chinese Voice radio started at first, 嘩!嘩!嘩!打到o黎! was the programme that I really listened to back then!!! Obviously back in the days it had 杜汶澤. So glad the programme is back now with 三姑!!!