Sunday, 1 April 2007

April Fools Day and Google

Yip...1st of April is April Fools Day!!! I remembered that I got 'fooled' by the same 'friend' (>o<" Rahhh) for the past couple of years now! But haha due my friend's lack of sleepness today I 'finally' was not fooled by her and I have even managed to break the cycle by 'fooling' her back on msn!!! (yes! Victory!!! : P) But I have to agree that my joke was pretty 'random' and 'cold'... -.-" I told her that I left a piece of important paper in her letterbox and she has been even as nice as to offer to go outside of her house (at night) to get it for me. (At that point of course I stopped the joke...because if she did go outside...I'll feel so guilty!!! ><").

eheh BUT I couldn't BELIEVE that I have been fooled by Google instead! ><" (still not breaking the cycle!). The thing is I didn't even realise I got fooled by 'Google Paper' until I read upon the article on Techcurch: Google Really Takes April 1 Seriously. Apparently:
"Google takes a lot of time with its April Fools jokes, and they generally center around new products. Last year we saw the launch of Google Romance. This year, they have two solid fake product launches: Google TiSP (free broadband service) and Google Paper (Prints out Gmail on paper and sends it to you)."
haha and after I finished reading the article......haah I was like Wow....Google you really did fooled me!!! I should really learn from Google first before creating my joke!!! : P And I hope my blog does help to warn those who really thought there's something called Google Paper and Google Tisp!!! (Good on you Google! ahhaha)

P.S. - Google Tisp is really funny! haha 'free' wireless broadband service! ahhaa

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