Recently I have been picking up running again as I tried to keep myself trained up for the upcoming RTB (Round the Bays) event. (haha so I won't get too exhausted after the event with extreme muscles pain!!!)
hahah and I should say thanks to my friends...who initiated the 'training' I am able to keep to my 'weekly' training! : P
I must also say that picking up running again have really bring back memories of my 'good old' badminton days and the college days. You see 'Running' has really bring back my focus again. You may be wondering 'huh!?' to what I let me use this blog to share with you! : ) (And some of my own tips in running long distance!)

P.S. - I am a long distance runner! Unfortunately I don't have the 'burst' to run short distance. So in here when I say running....I am particularly referring to LONG DISTANCE running! : )
What running means to me?
Okies....haah running does not really have any special meaning to me! But what it does is that it does make a positive impact to my life. Okies, may be not my whole life...but at least I feel GREAT after a run.
To me, running is pretty much a 'concentration training exercise'. You need to focus on your pace, your breath and most importantly your mind!
Keeping yourself running:
Usually when I go out for a run, I would start off with a pace I am comfortable with. Some of you may think that 'running seems just go out and run, run, run...for no reason at all'!!! Well I actually find running will help me to do things MORE EFFICENTLY!!! This is the part I would like to share! : )
I usually go out and do the jogging by myself and I don't listen to any music at all. I start off by picking a pace I am comfortable with and once I am settled down, various thoughts will just flow into my mind.
Usually I would think about what I need to do when I get back home; what I need to do for the rest of the week; or how do I do this and that; how do I solve a problem...various things which I didn't have time to think about/ignored during the week will just flow into my mind. I guess this is also because when you are running by yourself, you feel you are creating some personal space for yourself! For me, thoughts and ideas just flow into me very easily!
Before you know it, after you have finished with a thought, you would have found yourself already ran a few hundreds of metres already!!! You won't realised how long you have run....which may 'scare' some people when they have to think about how much 'further' they have to run! Once you have gone through a few thoughts/ideas, you would have found yourself already ran some good hundreds of metres already!!! : )

Running towards the finish line:
So after a few more would realise that THOUGHTS will just stop coming into you (even though you may still have a lot more things to think about). Why? This is because you are starting to feel TIRED!!! i.e. the point where the realisation of 'tiredness' is starting to make you feel the 'PAIN'! The point where you may feel your muscles is starting to ache or when you feel you are starting to breath in deeper, calling for more oxygen.
This is where more 'concentration exercise' comes in!!! In order to push myself to continue running...I would find an object that is within reasonable distance and set it as my target. For example, a lamp post; a tree; a structure...anything that you can set sight to. Once you have identified your'll be your 'temporary' finish line.....and you just 'GO FOR IT' and run towards that finish line.
It is very important to NOT to start increasing your speed/pace just because you are aiming towards the TEMPORARY finish line!!! Make sure you keep AT THE SAME PACE....and remember to draw in the OXYGEN deeply as you breath...keeping it at the SAME PACE too!
Once you reach your temporary finish may feel a 'moment' of satisfaction! Or at least a moment of comfort/joy! : P But remember 'don't slack'...CONTINUE MOVING and CONTINUE RUNNING....and identify your NEXT TARGET...and 'JUST GO FOR IT' again! (using to the same technique that you used before for your last temporary finish line!!!) will reach the REAL & FINAL finishing line! Touching the HOME BASE! : )

A Quick Guide of My Tips on Running:
- Remember to always set some aims for yourself before a run.
E.g. To run the whole way; To take two short breaks only during the run - Set up your route, know your route and PICK the finishing line.
E.g. I will run to the golf course and back, the golf course is the 1/2 way mark and running back towards my house which will be my finish line. - Remember to WARM UP before your run!!!
- Start your run by running at a pace you are comfortable with. Remember not to set a pace that is too fast....because.... (see the next bulleted point)
- Keep to your pace! Remember to keep to your pace!!! You are not allowed to slowed down (as this will easily make you wanting to stop very early before reaching the finish line)!!!
- When you are starting to feel tired. Find a 'temporary' finish line....and just AIM FOR IT and GO FOR IT. Don't be lazy....don't stop until you reach your finish line!!! : )
- Once you reach your temp finish line....DON'T STOP.....KEEP MOVING.....and identify your NEXT finish line!
- Try not to 'sprint' towards the temp finish you may found yourself too TIRED to run towards your NEXT finish line. Giving yourself excuses! But feel free to sprint towards the REAL FINISH LINE though!!! : P
- HOWEVER at REASONABLE!!! If you are starting to have strong stitches, pain in your chest, dizziness or injuries....PLEASE slow down and stop and REST!!! You can always push yourself further next time!
Wow....if you happened to get to 'here' of my blog. Wow...I must say THANKS!!! I just realise how LONG this blog is! ><" haha sorry I guess I just really wanted to share my thoughts on running. I'm not sure if you agree with me or not...but this is just what I do and my own thought when I go out for that occasional jog! : P
I guess I just feel really great when I am able to think through things during my run. As I am able to organise/sort out things in my life or to free up some questions/problems/tasks, making decisions.....basically after my run....I would find my brain is free of troubles and myself more motivated to do the things I want/need to do! : )
Not only this....but during running when I found myself needing to push myself to the finish line, the opportunity to use my concentration just somehow makes me more 'focus'. It just indirectly helped me to become more 'focus' in life (at least for the day hehe) and to have a stronger stamina and determination! All in all, after a run....I just feel 'GREAT' mentally....haha but probably not physically ahaah! But it's all worth it! : )

P.S. - I actually thought of writing this blog during one of my run!!! I just thought to myself...I must write something about my own thought on running and my own tips when running!
P.P.S. - To any 'professional' runners out may not agree with my tips or may think they are incorrect!!! hehe but yeah just a warning this is just my own personal thoughts and tips on long distance running. Just a warning here!
P.P.P.S. - (Just an extra bit! : P) I remember when I tried to train my stamina for badminton during the 'college' days. I still remember going for a run during my 5th form exam break. And it really does help me in motivating my studies and most of all in 'solving' when I go for my run....thoughts of things I don't understand during my study will just pop into my head for me to think about. In addition it keeps you healthier as well esp during the exam study period! ahah may be you can call me a geek... ><" but it did helped me to get through my studying! : )
you should do the auckland half marathon in 72 days. seriously.