Just coming back from a trip in HK (and Taipei & Beijing) and I just really want to inform about the 2 new Chinese movies that will be shown in HK theatres very soon (which is perhaps the best for 2006 as the movies that have been released so far this year are not really big or exciting in comparison to previous years)!
In order of my most wanna watch movie:
- 傷城 Confession of Pain
Why is it my most want to watch movie? Well first of all just look at its casting with 梁朝偉 and 金城武 which are already attractive enough (both are 實力派 ahha and 靚仔). Then look at the 幕後工臣 are "<<無間道>>系列鐵三角劉偉強、麥兆輝、莊文強三人再度攜手合作打造<<傷城>>". Finally looking at the poster, you definitely can sense the 無間道 feel again (see below)!So I really wondered if this is just another movie like 無間道 to chip in more money. But after reading the review on Yahoo (http://tw.movie.yahoo.com/mstory.html?t=movie&id=2054) and I can feel that the directors did not intend to be that way at all!
Really looking forward to see this film and to see the reviews on it! However the only disappointment this time is...梁朝偉 is not gonna be the good guy! ><" But I guess also a point to look forward for, to really see the acting skills of 梁朝偉!!!
Official movie site: http://www.confessionofpain.com/
上映日期:2006-12-20 - 滿城盡帶黃金甲 Curse of the Golden Flower
Already heard of the name of this film in the middle of the year in Denise Ho (HOCC)'s album...haha not sure if it's related or not (but I did hear the name of this film somewhere else too)! Knew that it was gonna be a big production with 張藝謀 as the director of the film (same director as 英雄). More of what I found out is that the film has a starring of 周潤發, 鞏俐 and 周杰倫.
From the Yahoo review (http://tw.movie.yahoo.com/mstory.html?t=movie&id=2000) "故事背景在唐朝宮殿,描皇帝、皇后、大皇子和二皇子之間復雜的人物衝突及命運的糾葛...看影帝周潤發與小天王周杰倫,父子反目一決生死,看影帝后鞏俐與發哥,夫妻暗中較勁勾心鬥角,本片耗資4000多萬美金打造,打破華語片影史最高片製片預算紀錄,劇中千軍萬馬的武打場面、氣拔山河的宮廷造景,強勢問鼎2007年奧斯卡最佳外語片".
The review from Yahoo basically speaks it all! As a nominee in the Oscar's Best Foregin film...definitely interested to if this film will match up with 傷城 (actually it's more like the other way around...傷城 should be the underdog...but I'm going for 傷城 : P) !
Official website: http://www.bvi.com.tw/movies/goldenflower/
上映日期: 2006-12-20
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