Sunday, 5 April 2009

Facebook: 九型人格 Test Result

lol with the extra daylight hour saved today, I used it to sleep in (w00t! 10 hours!) and finally caught up to doing some of my online admin (Facebook tonight).

Have been totally relaxing this weekend before getting back to doing some hard work tmr! In particular I was having a go at the 九型人格 (Enneagram of Personality Test) on Facebook (just a partial one) and the result turned out to be Quite True indeed (I think! heeh). My result (The Loyalist : P):

第六型人格 - 忠誠者/謹慎型/尋找安全者

「跟 大家的決定吧!」 (分類 : 思考主導人格) 健康的第六型能引起他人強烈的情感回應,他們吸引人、讓人心動、親切可愛、友善、調皮、愛討好人。信任對他們是很重要的,是與他人相處並詩續永久關係的基 礎。別人對他們很熱情,並且想要幫助、保護他們。他們對認同的對象付出承諾和忠實,家人和朋友是重要的,這讓他們覺得自己「屬於」某個地方。他們藉著合 作、可靠、負責、值得信賴、苦幹來回應他人。最佳狀況:變得自我肯定、相信自己、獨立而又平等地相互依賴。對自我的信心使他們有積極的態度,顯示出勇氣、 領導才能、豐富的創造力、以及自我表現能力。 (注意:假如想增加準確性,請盡量找尋180問或以上的問卷,或是詢問學者意見)

lol I happened to find that the above description actually came from wikipedia! lol! Get to see a whole page about my type! haha

My comment, well.....
Woh! Quite true (I think : P)! Not sure abt the "別人對他們很熱情,並且想要幫助、保護他們。" part! lol aww....really? I ask u! @.@ haha but still THX!

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

A msn name...

Isn't it funny nowadays that we combine our thoughts or feelings and comments into our chat program's profile name!? I once heard on the radio that people do it because they wish to get attention to themselves.

Well I don't really know why I do it. But I know I certainly don't do it purely to catch people's attention! I guess I know I want to put something in my msn name whenever I feel the urge to EXPRESS my inner feelings! I don't know why, I guess I'm just part of the geek cult! : P Let's blame it on that.

Ok enough of getting 'deep'. Main point of this super short blog is just that I want to show off my creative side! One day at work (at the beginning of the year when I wanted to spice up my msn name), I suddenly thought up this to add to my name:
2009 '突然想起你', '就算世界無童話' its still a 'singalongsong' : P
Pretty proud of myself! : P Becuase the fragmented sentence helped express my inner feelings, but the clever thing was I used only song titles to compose the sentence! And the songs I used are actually all my current favourites at the time!!! Pretty neat I thought (and dumb you probably think)! Nonetheless just wanted to write a small blog here to document this unique name! : D

FYI (for those who can't recognise), the three song titles are the ones between the single quotes (') in the name. : P