Monday, 30 March 2009

An Amazing Tunnel Light Show

Life (more correctly Work) has been super super busy over the last few weeks (and over the next few weeks too : ( )! So just haven't had the energy and time to unwind myself on the www... and hence my previous article on Spent (which was already a while back too)!!!

Anyway back in Feb., I read this Gizmodo article one day. If you haven't read / seen the video yet, I highly recommend it because it's just such an amazement!!! As the article said..."it's the cloest you'll ever get to Light Speed"!!! @.@ (Now I would really love to visit Washington D.C.!)

Tunnel with 40,000 LEDs Is the Closest You'll Ever Get to Light Speed

Enjoy! : )

Friday, 6 March 2009

I am "Spent"...

While talking with my friend tonight, sharing and moaning over our fatigue and tiredness during the past few days at work. She sent me a piece of reading which totally describes our current status:
Frank Lipman:Spent” is the word I use to describe people who are overwhelmed, fatigued and feel older than their years. Does this scenario sound familiar? You wake up in the morning groggy and need coffee or something sugary to get going. Then you need more of the same later in the day to keep going. Your brain feels foggy; you’re not sleeping well; your body aches all over; your cold never goes away; and your sex drive is down. You are running on empty, your energy account is tapped out, you are physically, mentally and emotionally are spent. Interestingly, most people think it is normal to feel like this.
The whole article can be found at