Sunday, 25 January 2009

歌曲分享: 最佳損友

This blog was originally dated on 4th Nov 2008....I never got the chance to finish here it is (as I feel like doing just a small music blog tonight).

Funny enough there are some things on this Earth where you have to experience it in order to get its real meaning. You see I always have a disbelieve in this theory. I thought that if a person is aware enough, they should be able to learn from the mistake of others; rather than having the need to experience it themselves in order for them to understand. Let's say smoking for example, of course one would hope that you don't really 'have to' try smoking first before you can say 'no' to it and to understand the harm it'll do to your body.

In general I still believe in my theory. Because I mean, who would want bad experiences to occur every time when they learn of something new, right!? If one is observant enough, one should be able to learn from others.

So how does all these relate to the song 最佳損友 here? Well this is related to the realisation I had one day. The fact is although you can learn from others. However, if you did went through the experience yourself, you 'usually' found yourself understanding the whole situation in a whole lot more sense clearer. Probably because the reality hits you a whole whole lot harder this way!

You see I thought I understood the lyrics in the song 最佳損友 when it first came out. Yea, great meaningful lyrics there. But as I experienced some life lectures over the years, one day I came to listen to the song again and the lyrics just 'click'. Suddenly the lyrics means a whole lot more sense to me. And I was going 'ahh' and 'ooh' to the lyrics, relating to it, and found myself peeling understanding the true meaning of each sentence in the song.

So I realised that although we should try to learn from others, but if it happened to you, it's ok! Although it might have hit you hard, but it's ok because you know that you'll remember it for a long long time. And that'll make reminding you not to make the same mistake easier, because it hit you harder! : )

Anyway this song has great great lyrics written by Wyman. The lyrics are just so so true! Almost every sentence in the song I can just say YES to it! Luv it! (Sorry to those who can't read Chinese) And Eason...haha do i need to phrase him more? He just performed the song so so well, really controlling and expressing the feelings and emotions at the right place and the right time within the song. Making the song more emotional as the music became more intense towards the end! Another great Eason song! (Well done Eason, Wyman and Eric Kwok! Great song by this combination again!) For those who haven't listen to this song for a while, go on listen to it now, see if the lyrics make more sense to you too! ENJOY ENJOY ENJOY!
主唱: 陳奕迅
作曲:Eric Kwok 填詞:黃偉文 編曲:Eric Kwok / Jerald

朋友 我當你一秒朋友
朋友 我當你一世朋友
奇怪 過去再不堪回首
懷緬 時時其實還有

朋友 你試過將我營救
朋友 你試過把我批鬥
無法 再與你交心聯手
畢竟 難得 有過最佳損友

從前共你 促膝把酒 傾通宵都不夠
我有痛快過 你有沒有
很多東西今生只可給你 保守至到永久

實實在在 踏入過我宇宙
即使相處到 有個裂口
命運決定了 以後再沒法聚頭
但說過去 卻那樣厚

*問我有沒有 確實也沒有
一直躲避的藉口 非甚麼大仇
為何舊知己 在最後 變不到老友
不知你是我敵友 已沒法望透

被推著走 跟著生活流
來年陌生的 是昨日最親的某某*

到你變節了 至覺未夠
多想一天 彼此都不追究 相邀再次喝酒
待 葡萄成熟透

但是命運入面 每個邂逅
一起走到了 某個路口
是敵與是友 各自也沒有自由
位置變了 各有隊友


早知解散後 各自有 際遇作導遊
奇就奇在 接受了 各自有路走
卻沒人像你 讓我 眼淚背著流
嚴重似情侶 講分手

有沒有 確實也沒有
一直躲避的藉口 非甚麼大仇
為何舊知己 在最後 變不到老友
不知你又有沒有 掛念這舊友

或者自己 早就想通透
來年陌生的 是昨日 最親的某某
總好於 那日我 沒有 沒有 遇過 某某
Lyrics reference:

To listen to the song only:

To see Eason performing this song live in one of this concert:

Tuesday, 13 January 2009

For Friendship

(Unrelated) Prelude:
This is probably the longest period I have stopped writing on my blog since its establishment! : I (my excuse....due to being both physically and later mentally away from the world of bloging!) hehe as always I have so many things I want to say coming back from an overseas trip (and never got the time to write everything down....!) Any how I'm back here goes....and a good first post in 2009 too! hehe More 2008 summary and 2009 goal to come later.

For Friendship:
Back in the last month I went to all those X'mas days shopping. While looking for a b'day gift for my friend, I happened to see a very very meaningful 'Winnie the Pooh' B'day card. It was the perfect card to get for my friend!!!

But, for some unknown reasons I didn't get the card and I couldn't find it elsewhere. Unfortunately I couldn't find the card on the web too.>.< But at least I was able to find the quote and relevant picture on the web. The card is very very simple with the main focus on a conversation which happened between Pooh and Piglet.

To you my dear dear friends, I will give you the same answer as Pooh : P :

"We'll be Friends Forever, won't we, Pooh?" asked Piglet.
"Even longer", Pooh answered.

A.A. Milne (Winnie-the-Pooh)


- Find the quote from this site
- A link to a web book that refernce the quote with a bit more context....(it happened during Pooh and Piglet walk on a snowy track...)