You see if a wise wise wise person tells me that "there's a reason for everything", I'll probably give them the "raise-up-eye-brow" look, half wondering about what they have just said. But many a times when I think back to the past, to actions leading up to an event, everything just CLICKS just like that. And you go 'ah hah', everything, every move, they suddenly all make so much sense.
The even more funny thing is you usually don't realise it until when you look back or reflect upon the event. All the prior unexpected actions leading up to the result suddenly fits perfectly into the picture.
Ok may be NOT EVERYTHING has a reason to it (I'm sure someone will bound to be able to think of some examples here). But I guess my main point is that I've always find it funny (in the interesting way) that when I look back on something, the sudden rush of realisation, how everything fits in together and that you are able to explain each step leading up to it. You know like the joy and sudden "clicks" you get when you solve a murder case (in TV or puzzle book or something). It's like 'wow' and you can't help to realise how life can just be so powerfully amazing! At least this is my thought anyway.
So just remember this when you are down / lost / wonder about something / questioning WHY WHY WHY:
"Things don't happen for no reason at all, there's a reason to everything"
You might say I'm too optimistic, but at least, this is what I believe in.

ps - I happened to find the above via a random web search (while trying to find appropriate images for my post). It's a very popular piglet's quote. It is very sweet indeed!!! (luv piglet!) And I think the above can be somewhat related to my post content...hehe : )
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