Thursday, 17 April 2008

The Ultimate Dream Home Theatre

This article was featured on a common regular site that I read a while ago (which I forgot which one I was looking at...probably gizmodo!?) ! But I think I really need to add it to my blog, as I consider myself a lover of music and at times can be picky in sound and music quality.

So perhaps one day (in the near future) I might get something like this (wait I'll get something BETTER than this as we are talking about the future after all! : P hehe).

Meanwhile....we can all just dream on!!! : )

Jeremy Kipnis Amazing $6,000,000 Home Theater

P.S. - On a side note, actually NO I wouldn't pay so much money to create such an extravagance home theatre. I will just invest in something that fits my home with near top-notch sound quality and I'll be happy! : P
P.P.S. - I remember I was once told by my good friends...I'll get this for my next b'day! hehehe Yes time to go to bed again, drifting off into the far far away land....heheheh

Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Updating Java JRE with Daylight Savings Patches

Recently I had to update the daylight saving data on the Java JRE due to the recently NZ daylight saving changes. Updating the daylight saving changes wasn't as hard as I thought and the process went very smooth too! : )

Here's a quick summary of my findings and what I did:
The Java SE platform uses its own private repository of timezone data. Therefore patching your OS's timezone data will not update or change your Java's timezone data.

Inside the JRE the timezone data is maintained inside the folder: jre/lib/zi.

The list of timezone data version can be found in:

The easiest way to do it is by using the TZUpdater available from this page:

You can first run a test on the JRE to see what version of the timezone data it is using by (where tzupdaterXYZ.jar is the name of the TZUpdater jar):
java -jar tzupdaterXYZ.jar -t
In the printout you should be able to tell the version of data it is using.

Finally, to update the timezone just run the jar without the "t" flag. Run a test again to verify that the timezone data has been updated.

Viola your JRE timezone is now patched! Easy as that! : )
